(a) Registration tags for the identification of shellfish pots or buoys, or both, used in the taking of king crab are required in areas in which the board has regulations limiting the total amount of shellfish pots allowed per vessel. Registration tags shall
(1) be issued by the department under regulations adopted by the board;
(2) be nontransferable;
(3) be individually numbered, designating the year of issuance;
(4) be permanently affixed to each shellfish pot or buoy, or both, used in the taking of king crab, whichever in the determination of the board is appropriate for identification, and in a manner determined to be appropriate by the board;
(5) conform to other requirements determined to be appropriate by the board; and
(6) be issued and renewed for a fee equal to the cost of obtaining the registration tags plus reasonable administrative costs, under procedures determined to be appropriate by the department.
(b) The unauthorized production, reproduction, sale, exchange, distribution, or use of registration tags required in (a) of this section is prohibited.
(c) In addition to meeting other requirements imposed by law, each shellfish pot used in the taking of king crab shall be connected to one durable "sea lion" buoy of an appropriate type and diameter as specified by the board. The buoy shall conform to other specifications determined to be appropriate by the board.
(d) [Repealed, Sec. 61 ch 50 SLA 1989].
(e) In this section,
(1) "board" means the Board of Fisheries;
(2) "registration tags" means any tag, tape, or other identification device or method determined to be appropriate by the board.
Section: Previous 16.05.510 16.05.520 16.05.530 16.05.536 16.05.540 16.05.620 16.05.630 16.05.632 16.05.640 16.05.660 16.05.662 16.05.665 16.05.670 16.05.671 16.05.675 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016