An insurer, hospital or medical service corporation, or fraternal benefit society that delivers or issues for delivery a long-term care insurance policy may not
(1) cancel, fail to renew, or otherwise terminate the policy on the grounds of age or deterioration of the mental or physical health of the insured;
(2) include a provision requiring a new waiting period in the event existing coverage is converted to or replaced by a new or another form of health insurance within the same company, unless there is an increase in benefits voluntarily selected by the insured or group policyholder; or
(3) provide coverage only for skilled nursing care or provide significantly more coverage for skilled care in a facility than is provided for coverage for lower levels of care.
Section: Previous 21.53.010 21.53.020 21.53.030 21.53.040 21.53.050 21.53.060 21.53.062 21.53.064 21.53.066 21.53.068 21.53.070 21.53.080 21.53.090 21.53.200 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016