(a) A long-term care insurance policy may not be delivered or issued for delivery in this state if the policy conditions eligibility
(1) on a prior hospitalization requirement;
(2) on the receipt of a higher level of institutional care, when care is provided in an institutional setting;
(3) for noninstitutional benefits on a prior institutional stay of more than 30 days for which benefits are paid;
(4) on admission to an institutional care facility for the same or a related condition within a period of less than 30 days after discharge from the institution, if the policy provides benefits only following institutionalization; or
(5) for a benefit, other than a waiver of premium, postconfinement, postacute care, or recuperative benefit, on a prior institutionalization.
(b) A long-term care insurance policy containing a postconfinement, postacute care, or recuperative benefit must clearly label the limitations or conditions, including any required number of days of confinement, "Limitations or Conditions on Eligibility for Benefits" in a separate paragraph of the policy.
Section: Previous 21.53.010 21.53.020 21.53.030 21.53.040 21.53.050 21.53.060 21.53.062 21.53.064 21.53.066 21.53.068 21.53.070 21.53.080 21.53.090 21.53.200 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016