For the purpose of providing part or all of the money to be used, with or without any grants or other money that may become available, the issuance and sale of revenue bonds of the state in a total principal sum not to exceed $812,500,000 is authorized to acquire, equip, construct, and install the additions, improvements, extensions, and facilities authorized in AS 37.15.510 . The principal of and interest on these bonds shall be paid out of and secured by the gross revenue derived by the state from the ownership, lease, use, and operation of the airports, and of all the facilities of them, and out of any other money that may be appropriated for the purpose, excepting only proceeds of any customer facility charge, and unless otherwise contractually required any customer facility maintenance charge, set by the commissioner of transportation and public facilities under AS 02.15.090.
Section: 37.15.410 37.15.415 37.15.420 37.15.430 37.15.440 37.15.450 37.15.460 37.15.470 37.15.480 37.15.490 37.15.500 37.15.510 37.15.520 37.15.530 37.15.540 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016