(a) There is established an enterprise fund known as the "International Airports Revenue Fund," into which shall be paid all revenue, fees, charges, and rentals derived by the state from the ownership, lease, use, and operation of the airports and all of the facilities and improvements of them and facilities and improvements used in connection with them, excepting only proceeds of any customer facility charge, and unless otherwise contractually required any customer facility maintenance charge, set by the commissioner of transportation and public facilities under AS 02.15.090 . The revenue, charges, fees, and rentals may not include the proceeds of any state tax or license. The money in the revenue fund may only be used for the purpose of
(1) paying or securing the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds and of and on any other revenue bonds issued by authorization of the legislature to provide money to acquire, equip, construct, and install additions and improvements to, and extensions of and facilities for, the airports, and to be payable out of the revenue fund;
(2) paying the normal and necessary costs of maintaining and operating the airports and all of the improvements and facilities of them;
(3) paying the costs of renewals, replacements, and extraordinary repairs to the airports and all of the improvements and facilities of them;
(4) redeeming before their fixed maturities any and all revenue bonds issued for the purposes of the airports;
(5) providing money to acquire, construct, and install necessary additions and improvements to and extensions of and facilities for the airports and all of their facilities; and
(6) providing money to pay any and all other costs relating to the ownership, use, and operation of the airports.
(b) The investment of money in the revenue fund may be made in the manner that the committee may determine. The interest earned upon or any profits derived from the sale of this investment shall be deposited in and become a part of the revenue fund.
(c) For proceeds of a customer facility charge set by the commissioner of transportation and public facilities under AS 02.15.090 but required to be collected from customers by occupants or users of, or persons under contract to occupy or use, all or a portion of a facility that is or will be acquired, constructed, equipped, installed, or improved for state ownership with the proceeds of indebtedness incurred other than by the state on behalf of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities,
(1) the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities shall by regulation or contract require that the proceeds of the customer facility charge be remitted directly to a trustee or another third party designated to receive the proceeds and to use the proceeds as provided under AS 02.15.090 (h); and
(2) the proceeds are not revenue of the state securing any indebtedness other than the indebtedness described in AS 02.15.090 (h).
(d) For proceeds of a customer facility maintenance charge set by the commissioner of transportation and public facilities under AS 02.15.090 but required to be collected from customers by occupants or users of, or persons under contract to occupy or use, all or a portion of a facility that is or will be acquired, constructed, equipped, installed, or improved with proceeds of indebtedness incurred other than by the state on behalf of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities,
(1) the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities shall by regulation or contract require that the proceeds of the customer facility maintenance charge be remitted directly to a trustee or another third party designated to receive the proceeds and to pay some or all of the costs, fees, and expenses as determined by the commissioner of transportation and public facilities under AS 02.15.090(i); and
(2) the proceeds are not, unless otherwise contractually required, revenue of the state securing any indebtedness.
Section: Previous 37.15.410 37.15.415 37.15.420 37.15.430 37.15.440 37.15.450 37.15.460 37.15.470 37.15.480 37.15.490 37.15.500 37.15.510 37.15.520 37.15.530 37.15.540 NextLast modified: November 15, 2016