Sec. 39.30.310 Purpose and Effective Date.
(a) The purpose of the plan is to allow medical care expenses to be reimbursed from individual savings accounts established for eligible persons.(b) The...
Sec. 39.30.320 Attorney General.
The attorney general of the state is the legal counsel for the plan and shall advise the administrator and represent the plan in a...
Sec. 39.30.330 Administrator.
The commissioner of administration or the commissioner's designee is the administrator of the plan.
Sec. 39.30.335 Appeals.
A final decision made under AS 39.30.300 - 39.30.495 is subject to appeal under AS 44.64.
Sec. 39.30.340 Powers and Duties of the Administrator.
The administrator shall establish a teachers' and public employees' retiree health reimbursement arrangement plan trust fund in which the assets of the plan shall...
Sec. 39.30.350 Employer Contribution Fund.
The fund established under AS 39.30.340 is an employer contribution fund. The value of the fund reflects employer contributions, expenses, and investment gains and...
Sec. 39.30.370 Contributions by Employers.
For each member of the plan, an employer shall contribute to the teachers' and public employees' retiree health reimbursement arrangement plan trust fund an...
Sec. 39.30.380 Termination of Employment.
A person who terminates employment before meeting the eligibility requirements of AS 14.25.470 or AS 39.35.870 loses any right to the contributions made on...
Sec. 39.30.390 Eligibility and Reimbursement.
Persons who meet the eligibility requirements of AS 14.25.470 and AS 39.35.870 are eligible for reimbursements from the individual account established for a member...
Sec. 39.30.430 Exclusive Benefit.
(a) The corpus or income of the assets held in trust as required by the plan may not be diverted or used for other...
Sec. 39.30.495 Definitions.
Unless the context requires otherwise, in AS 39.30.300 - 39.30.495,(1) "administrator" means the commissioner of administration or the commissioner's designee;(2) "board" means the Alaska...