Arkansas Code Title 11, Chapter 5, Subchapter 1 - General Provisions
- § 11-5-101 - Suitable Temperature, Humidity, and Air Space Required.
(a) In every factory, mill, workshop, mercantile establishment, laundry, or other establishment, adequate measures shall be taken for securing and maintaining a reasonable, and...
- § 11-5-102 - Removal of Gas, Effluvia, and Dust Required.
(a) All factories, mills, workshops, mercantile establishments, laundries, and other establishments shall be kept free from gas or effluvia arising from any sewer, drain,...
- § 11-5-103 - Cleaning Required.
(a) All decomposed, fetid, or putrescent matter and all refuse, waste, and sweepings of any factory, mill, workshop, mercantile establishment, laundry, or other establishment...
- § 11-5-104 - Wet Floors -- Certain Precautions Required.
(a) In all establishments where any process is carried on which makes the floors wet, the floors shall be constructed and maintained with due...
- § 11-5-105 - Safe Doors, Stairways, and Elevators Required.
(a) All doors used by employees as entrances to or exits from factories, mills, workshops, mercantile establishments, laundries, or other establishments of a height...
- § 11-5-106 - [Repealed.]
- § 11-5-107 - Inspection of Working Place -- Findings.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor or any of his or her deputies or inspectors shall have the right to enter any...
- § 11-5-108 - Order to Correct Conditions -- Issuance.
(a) The Director of the Department of Labor or any of his or her deputies or inspectors may issue a written order to the...
- § 11-5-109 - Order to Correct Conditions -- Conclusiveness -- Action to Set Aside.
(a) The findings and orders shall be prima facie valid, reasonable, and just and shall be conclusive unless attacked and set aside in the...
- § 11-5-110 - Order to Correct Conditions -- Penalties for Noncompliance.
(a) Upon the failure or refusal of the owner, manager, superintendent, or other person in control or management of a place or establishment, to...
- § 11-5-111 - Penalty for Violation of §§ 11-5-101 -- 11-5-110.
(a) Any employer violating the provisions of §§ 11-5-101 -- 11-5-110 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.(b) (1) Upon conviction, the employer shall...
- § 11-5-112 - Separate Toilet Rooms for Males and Females Required.
(a) There shall be provided in every factory, manufacturing establishment, workshop, or other place where six (6) or more males and females are employed...
- § 11-5-113 - [Repealed.]
- § 11-5-114 - Requiring Use of Out-Of-state Mail-Order Pharmacy.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any employer providing pharmacy services, including prescription drugs, to employees as a part of a health care program...
- § 11-5-115 - Prevention of Workplace Violence.
(a) If an employer or an employer's employee or invitee has: (1) Suffered unlawful violence by an individual as defined by § 5-13-310, terroristic...
- § 11-5-116 - Break Time for Expressing Breast Milk.
(a) (1) An employer shall provide reasonable unpaid break time each day to an employee who needs to express breast milk for her child...
Last modified: November 15, 2016