Arkansas Code § 20-76-202 - Department of Human Services -- Public Assistance -- Temporary Funding

(a) (1) It is found and determined that the continued operations of the Department of Human Services, through its appropriate divisions, in accordance with the approved annual operations plan, are from time to time seriously impaired by either administrative oversights and delays by the Office of Grants Management of the United States Department of Health and Human Services or by the processes of federal fiscal year conversion.

(2) It is further found and determined that the delays in the proper preparation and transmittal of federal grant award authorizations and letter of credit instruments have created unnecessary hardships on the providers of services and the needy citizens of this state.

(b) (1) Therefore, upon certification of the pending availability of federal funding by the disbursing officer of the appropriate division of the Department of Human Services, the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State may grant temporary advances.

(2) The Chief Fiscal Officer of the State shall recover within a period of twenty (20) days the temporary advances upon receipt of the grant award authorizations or letter of credit instruments.

(c) No person in the State of Arkansas shall be excluded from participation in or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity enumerated in this section on the ground of race, color, sex, disability, religion, or national origin.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016