Arkansas Code § 20-76-207 - Political Activity

(a) (1) No officer or employee of the appropriate division of the Department of Human Services or of a county office shall use his or her official authority to influence or permit the use of the program administered by the division or the county offices for the purpose of interfering with an election or affecting the results thereof or for any political purpose.

(2) No officer or employee shall devote his or her office hours, or efforts during office hours, towards any partisan political activity, nor shall any activity be conducted upon the premises of the employee or officer's agency, commission, or board.

(3) Furthermore, no communication, vehicles, stationery, or other material property of the State of Arkansas shall be utilized for any partisan political activities by the officers or employees.

(4) No officer or employee shall conduct himself or herself in such a manner during allowable political activity so as to reflect that his or her position is that of the State of Arkansas, or his or her agency, commission, or board.

(b) (1) Except as noted otherwise in this section or as necessary to meet the requirements of federal law as pertains to employees, no restrictions shall be imposed upon the political freedoms of an officer or employee.

(2) No officer or employee shall be deprived either of his or her right to vote or expression of opinion as a citizen on political subjects.

(c) (1) No officer or employee shall solicit or receive directly or indirectly any political funds or contributions from other officers or employees of that agency; nor shall any officer or employee be obliged to contribute or render services, assistance, subscriptions, assessments, or contributions for any political purposes.

(2) However, during nonduty hours and away from state premises, an officer or employee may communicate through the mails requests for political support from the public at large which may include officers and employees of the agency.

(d) Any officer or employee of the division or of a county office violating this provision shall be subject to discharge or suspension or such other disciplinary measures as may be provided by the rules and regulations of the division.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016