Arkansas Code Title 20, Subtitle 4, Chapter 59, Subchapter 2 - Regulation of Manufacture and Sale Generally
- § 20-59-201 - Definitions.
As used in this subchapter, unless the context otherwise requires: (1) Milk. (A) "Whole milk" means the lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking...
- § 20-59-202 - Penalties.
Any person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a violation and shall be fined a sum not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) nor...
- § 20-59-203 - Prosecutions.
All prosecutions brought for violations of the provisions of this subchapter shall be brought in any court having competent jurisdiction, and it shall be...
- § 20-59-204 - State Board of Health -- Appointment of Deputies -- Regulations and Standards.
(a) (1) The State Board of Health is authorized and empowered to appoint such deputies and office assistants as in its judgment may be...
- § 20-59-205 - Right of Review.
(a) It shall be the duty of the State Board of Health, and it is authorized and empowered through its constituted officers and agents...
- § 20-59-206 - Dairy Plant License.
(a) A dairy products plant manufacturing, processing, or packaging any dairy products other than those listed in § 20-59-207 as frozen desserts shall be...
- § 20-59-207 - Frozen Dessert Manufacturer's License.
(a) For purposes of licensing, a dairy plant manufacturing or packaging frozen dessert such as ice cream, ice cream mix, ice milk, ice milk...
- § 20-59-208 - Receiving or Transfer Plant License.
(a) Any plant where fluid milk or cream not in consumer packages is received on consignment or otherwise, stored, or transported but where packaging,...
- § 20-59-209 - Mellorine Manufacturer's License.
(a) For a mellorine plant making, processing, manufacturing, freezing, or packaging mellorine or mellorine mix, the method for determining the license fee for a...
- § 20-59-210 - Sampler and Grader License.
(a) Every person receiving or buying milk or cream on the basis of its chemical or physical constituents shall be, or have in his...
- § 20-59-211 - Milk Tester License and Fee.
(a) Every person receiving or buying milk or cream on the basis of its chemical or physical constituents shall be, or have in his...
- § 20-59-212 - Plant Permits -- Cancellation, Withdrawal, and Suspension.
(a) Permits to operate milk, ice cream, and dairy product plants, as defined in §§ 20-59-206 -- 20-59-211, shall be issued for one (1)...
- § 20-59-213 - Dairy Products From Another State.
(a) It is required that all dairy products as defined by § 20-59-201(2) shipped into this state from another state shall meet the sanitary...
- § 20-59-214 - Unlawful Acts -- Insanitary Plants.
It shall be unlawful to handle, process, freeze, or manufacture milk and dairy products except in sanitary dairy products plants and under sanitary conditions....
- § 20-59-215 - Unlawful Acts -- False Tests.
It shall be unlawful, in determining the value of milk, cream, or other dairy products by the use of the Babcock test, to give...
- § 20-59-216 - Unlawful Acts -- Improper Method of Testing.
It shall be unlawful to use other than the Babcock method or such method of testing as may be approved by AOAC International or...
- § 20-59-217 - Unlawful Acts -- Improper Scales.
It shall be unlawful to use other than torsion balance scales or such scales as may be approved by AOAC International or the American...
- § 20-59-218 - Unlawful Acts -- Improper Centrifuges.
It shall be improper to use other than standard types of centrifuges approved by AOAC International or the American Dairy Science Association.
- § 20-59-219 - Unlawful Acts -- Improper Testing Apparatus.
It shall be unlawful to use other than specifications for apparatus and chemicals and directions for testing milk and cream which conform to those...
- § 20-59-220 - Unlawful Acts -- Unclean Instruments.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use any test tube, bottle, pipette, or instrument in connection with the test which is not...
- § 20-59-221 - Unlawful Acts -- Improper Temperature for Tests.
It shall be unlawful to maintain milk and cream tests at temperatures other than one hundred thirty degrees to one hundred forty degrees Fahrenheit...
- § 20-59-222 - Unlawful Acts -- Improper Reading of Butterfat Control.
It shall be unlawful to read the percent of butterfat in cream tests without the correct use of gylmol or similar oils.
- § 20-59-223 - Unlawful Acts -- Handling in Insanitary Places.
It shall be unlawful to handle milk, cream, butter, frozen desserts, or other dairy products in unclean or insanitary places, or in any insanitary...
- § 20-59-224 - Unlawful Acts -- Products of Diseased Animals -- Contaminated Products.
It shall be unlawful in all cases to sell or offer for sale milk or cream from diseased or unhealthy animals, as certified to...
- § 20-59-225 - Unlawful Acts -- Preservatives.
It shall be unlawful to sell or offer or expose for sale anywhere in this state, milk, cream, or other dairy products containing any...
- § 20-59-226 - Unlawful Acts -- Removing Label of Health Officer.
It shall be unlawful to remove or deface any tags or labels which have been attached by the Director of the Department of Health...
- § 20-59-227 - Unlawful Acts -- Unpasteurized Products.
It shall be unlawful to make and offer for sale butter or frozen desserts unless all dairy products used in their manufacture are pasteurized...
- § 20-59-228 - Unlawful Acts -- Products Below Standard.
It shall be unlawful to sell, keep for sale, expose, or offer for sale any milk products or other dairy products which shall not...
- § 20-59-229 - Unlawful Acts -- Cream Graded for Buttermaking -- Price Differential.
It shall be unlawful to purchase or receive cream for buttermaking purposes except on the basis of the following grades: Sweet cream, first grade...
- § 20-59-230 - Unlawful Acts -- Mold or Sediment Test.
It shall be unlawful to purchase raw cream or milk without applying a mold or sediment test, monthly or more often if necessary, to...
- § 20-59-231 - Unlawful Acts -- Empty Cans Inverted.
It shall be unlawful to fail to invert empty cream and milk cans on racks located inside of cream stations.
- § 20-59-232 - Unlawful Acts -- Records of Cream Buyers -- Monthly Reports.
It shall be unlawful for all cream buyers to purchase cream without keeping a careful record of all cream bought as first grade and...
- § 20-59-233 - Unlawful Acts -- Place of Testing or Grading -- Delivery to Carrier in Unwholesome Condition.
It shall be unlawful for all persons collecting milk or cream on routes to do any sampling, testing, or grading en route. All sampling,...
- § 20-59-234 - Unlawful Acts -- Operation Without Permit.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to operate a dairy products plant, including milk and cream stations, or freeze or...
- § 20-59-235 - Unlawful Acts -- Labeling of Cheese.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to sell, exhibit, or offer for sale skim milk cheese as defined in §...
- § 20-59-236 - Unlawful Acts -- Removal of Label.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to remove or deface the required labeling on skim milk cheese except as is...
- § 20-59-237 - Unlawful Acts -- Renovation of Butter or Cheese.
It shall be unlawful to renovate butter or cheese without pasteurizing all such products at the time of renovation.
- § 20-59-238 - Unlawful Acts -- Labeling of Renovated Butter.
It shall be unlawful to sell, offer for sale, or store renovated or process butter without labeling the product with the words "RENOVATED BUTTER"...
- § 20-59-239 - Unlawful Acts -- Labeling Ice Cream.
It shall be unlawful to sell ice cream or ice milk in factory-filled package form unless it is labeled with the printed name of...
- § 20-59-240 - Unlawful Acts -- Labeling Ice Milk.
(a) It shall be unlawful to sell ice milk unless all containers are conspicuously so labeled.(b) Places where ice milk is sold at retail...
- § 20-59-241 - Unlawful Acts -- Labeling Ice Cream Mix.
It shall be unlawful to sell or transport ice cream mix to another location for manufacture or freezing except in sealed containers that cannot...
- § 20-59-242 - Unlawful Acts -- Bacteria Count of Frozen Dessert.
It shall be unlawful for any dairy products plant to produce, manufacture, freeze, process, sell, expose, or offer for sale any frozen dessert having...
- § 20-59-243 - Unlawful Acts -- Graded Milk.
It shall be unlawful to label, sell, or offer for sale any milk as graded milk unless the grade is officially awarded by the...
- § 20-59-244 - Unlawful Acts -- Pasteurized Milk -- Permit.
It shall be unlawful to label, sell, or offer for sale as pasteurized any milk unless it has been pasteurized in accordance with the...
- § 20-59-245 - Unlawful Acts -- Name of Distributor on Container -- Sale of Misprint Bottle Caps.
It shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale any milk or milk product in bottles or other original containers for final consumption...
- § 20-59-246 - Manufacturing Milk Permit.
(a) Every dairy which produces milk or cream to be used for manufacturing purposes shall be required to procure from the Director of the...
- § 20-59-247 - Disposition of Funds.
(a) All fees and fines collected under this subchapter are special revenues and shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of...
- § 20-59-248 - Incidental Sales of Goat Milk and Whole Milk that Has Not Been Pasteurized Not Prohibited.
(a) For purposes of this section: (1) "Incidental sales of goat milk and whole milk that has not been pasteurized" are those sales where...
Last modified: November 15, 2016