Ex parte TAIICHI MORI, et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-3893                                                          
          Application 08/063,302                                                      

          consists of alternating layers of a metal magnetic material 2               
          (i.e., Sendust) and a non-magnetic material (i.e., SiO ).  The              
          reason for using Sendust, which has a large saturation magnetic             
          flux density (B ) (p. 5, lines 22-25), is to avoid magnetic                 
          saturation (p. 6, lines 4-6).  The Sendust material is provided             
          in a plurality of layers separated by layers of SiO  rather than            
          in a single layer in order to reduce the occurrence of eddy                 
          currents (p. 6, lines 6-8).  Terada explains that in a                      
          conventional magnetic head having its entire magnetic core formed           
          of metal magnetic material, such a Sendust, the result is an                
          unacceptably high core loss at high frequencies (30-50 MHz)                 
          (p. 3, lines 8-9 and 14-15; p. 6, table).  Terada reduces the               
          high-frequency core loss to an acceptable level by using metal              
          magnetic material only in the front portions of the magnetic                
          head; the back portions 9 are formed instead of an "oxide                   
          magnetic material (i.e., ferrite)" material (p. 4, lines 16-17),            
          which may be polycrystalline ferrite (p. 5, last two lines) and             
          which has a large characteristic resistance D (p. 6, line 1).               
                    Reading claim 1 onto Terada's magnetic head, the                  
          examiner's position appears to be that Terada's two front                   
          portions, each of which amounts to about a quarter of the                   
          magnetic head structure, correspond to the claimed "first and               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007