Ex parte ETAO HUANG - Page 5

                Appeal No. 96-4017                                                                                                            
                Application 08/217,544                                                                                                        

                                 We understand the recitation in the last clause of                                                           
                claim 1 to be directed to this advantage of the claimed invention                                                             
                and construe it accordingly.  Thus, for purposes of this appeal,                                                              
                the last clause of the claim is understood as --- said body                                                                   
                member being substantially aligned with the plane of the steering                                                             
                wheel and not canted into the passenger carrying region when the                                                              

                antitheft device is attached to the steering wheel, thus pre-                                                                 
                venting a rider from colliding with the elongated body member                                                                 
                when entering the vehicle ---.2                                                                                               

                                 In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given                                                       
                careful consideration to appellant's specification and claims, to                                                             
                the applied prior art references, and to the respective positions                                                             
                articulated by appellant and the examiner.  As a consequence of                                                               
                this review, we have made the determination that the examiner's                                                               
                rejection of appealed claim 1 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 cannot be                                                                 
                sustained.  Our reasons follow.                                                                                               

                         2We, however, leave the exact wording of any clarifying                                                              
                amendment to the last clause of claim 1 to the examiner and                                                                   
                appellant during any further prosecution of the application.                                                                  

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