Ex parte H. JAY SPIEGEL - Page 6

          Appeal No. 97-1566                                                          
          Application 29/033,924                                                      

          every prior art bowl or vase shape ever publicly disclosed would            
          render obvious any generally similar vase shape.  Clearly, this             
          cannot be the case.”).                                                      
               Further, and perhaps more importantly, even if we were to              
          accept that it would have been obvious as a general principle to            
          modify the outer shape of Spiegel by making it shield shaped in             
          view of Hornung’s teaching that such shapes are known, we do not            
          agree with the examiner’s implied position that the claimed                 
          ornamental design would necessarily ensue.  In this regard, the             
          examiner appears to be of the view that the designer of ordinary            
          skill who designs articles of the type involved here would have             
          found it obvious to select a particular portion of a particular             
          one of Hornung’s shield variants (namely, one of the light                  
          portions of the 1711 shield variant) and apply it to Spiegel in a           
          particular manner (i.e., such that the rounded portion of                   
          Spiegel’s cavity is located in the pointed lower end of the                 
          shield with the periphery of the rounded portion closely                    
          “mimicking” the outer periphery of the shield’s pointed lower               
          end).  However, it is not apparent to us why an ordinarily                  
          skilled designer would be so inclined based on the teachings of             
          the references themselves.  Where prior art references require a            
          selective combination to render obvious a claimed invention,                


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