Ex parte H. JAY SPIEGEL - Page 7

          Appeal No. 97-1566                                                          
          Application 29/033,924                                                      

          there must be some reason for the combination other than                    
          hindsight gleaned from the invention disclosure.  Interconnect              
          Planning Corp. v. Feil, 774 F.2d 1132, 1143, 227 USPQ 543, 551              
          (Fed. Cir. 1985).                                                           
               From our perspective, what the examiner has done here is to            
          impermissibly rely upon appellant’s own disclosed design for a              
          suggestion to modify the kicking tee of the Spiegel patent to               
          arrive at the presently claimed ornamental design.  This is                 
               The decision of the examiner is reversed.                              


                         ERROL A. KRASS                   )                           
                         Administrative Patent Judge      )                           
                         LAWRENCE J. STAAB                ) BOARD OF PATENT           
                         Administrative Patent Judge      )   APPEALS AND             
                                                          )  INTERFERENCES            
                         THOMAS A. WALTZ                  )                           
                         Administrative Patent Judge      )                           


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