Ex parte MCLAUGHLIN et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 94-3243                                                          
          Application 07/974,560                                                      

          slurry of a precursor boehmite alumina prior to aging the                   
          resulting mixture at a particular pH and a particular temperature           
          for the purposes of converting a substantial portion of the                 
          alumina into a colloidal sol.  See the specification, page 3.               
          According to examples I and II at pages 4 through 6 of the                  
          specification, adding the particular stabilizer prior to, rather            
          than after, the formation of the colloidal sol allows retention             
          of a large surface area at high temperatures with a lesser amount           
          of the particular stabilizer.                                               
               Claim 1 is representative of the subject matter on appeal              
          and reads as follows:                                                       
               1.  A process for preparing a stabilized alumina comprising:           
          forming an aqueous slurry of a precursor boehmite alumina;                  
               admixing said aqueous slurry with from about 0.5 to about              
          20% by weight calculated as metal oxide based on the Al O                   
                                                                 2 3                  
          content of said stabilized alumina of a stabilizer selected from            
          the group consisting of water-soluble salts of polyvalent metal             
          cations of Groups IIA and IIIB of the periodic table, oxides of             
          metals of Groups IIA and IIIB of the periodic table, compounds              
          containing metals from Groups IIA and IIIB of the periodic table            
          that hydrolyze in aqueous solutions of produce water-soluble                
          salts of polyvalent metal cations and/or oxides of metals in                
          Groups IIA and IIIB of the periodic table, and mixtures thereof;            
               aging said alumina slurry containing said stabilizer at a pH           
          of from about 3 to about 9 and at a temperature greater than                
          about 70 C for a period of time sufficient to convert the greater0                                                                   
          portion of said alumina to a colloidal sol of boehmite alumina              
          containing said stabilizer;                                                 


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Last modified: November 3, 2007