Ex parte MCLAUGHLIN et al. - Page 4

                Appeal No. 94-3243                                                                                                            
                Application 07/974,560                                                                                                        

                appellants in the “argument” section of their Brief, pages 4                                                                  
                through 6.  Accordingly, we shall adopt that reasoning as our                                                                 
                own.   The § 103 rejection of claims 1 and 3 is reversed.2                                                                                                                      

                BRADLEY R. GARRIS           )                                                                                                 
                Administrative Patent Judge )                                                                                                 
                CHUNG K. PAK                ) BOARD OF PATENT                                                                                 
                Administrative Patent Judge )    APPEALS                                                                                      
                )      AND                                                                                                                    
                )  INTERFERENCES                                                                                                              
                THOMAS WALTZ                )                                                                                                 
                Administrative Patent Judge )                                                                                                 

                         2Having concluded that the examiner has not established a                                                            
                prima facie case of obviousness, we need not determine the                                                                    
                sufficiency of the showing in examples I and II of the                                                                        

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Last modified: November 3, 2007