Ex parte CORTRIGHT - Page 2

          Appeal No. 94-4260                                                          
          Application 07/849,191                                                      

               As an initial matter, the appellant points out that the                
          examiner “found the disclosure enabling for a portion of the                
          subject matter claimed.”  Request for Reconsideration, p. 1.                
          The appellant directs our attention to p. 2 of the office                   
          action mailed June 8, 1992 in Paper No. 2.                                  
               We acknowledge the examiner’s statements in the                        
          referenced paper, however, the claims which he indicated would              
          have been enabled by the specification, if the subject matter               
          was limited to application of BAG BALM , are not now beforeŽ                                     
          us.  That is, the claims under consideration by the examiner                
          at that time are not the same as the claims now on appeal.                  
          Thus, the facts on appeal differ from the facts on which the                
          examiner’s decision was based.  We also note that the                       
          appellant acknowledges that there is a difference in the                    
          subject matter now claimed since she has only urged that the                
          examiner found the specification “enabling for a portion of                 
          the subject matter claimed.”                                                


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