Ex parte CORTRIGHT - Page 5

          Appeal No. 94-4260                                                          
          Application 07/849,191                                                      

               The appellant urges that the method disclosed in Example               
          1 would have enabled one skilled in the art “to make and use”               
          the method described in claim 15.  According to the appellant,              
          since the “invention stimulates hair growth, the papilla are                
          being activated to resume hair growth.”  Request for                        
          Reconsideration, p. 8.  The appellant relies on the World Book              
          Encyclopedia to support her position.  We have carefully                    
          considered all the points raised, but find the appellant’s                  
          arguments flawed on several accounts.                                       
               First, the appellant has failed to establish a                         
          correlation between the application of BAG BALM  and the®                            
          “offsetting the effects of lower levels of male hormone being               
          supplied by the arteries to the papilla of scalp hair                       
          follicles.”  Even if we assume, arguendo, that BAG BALM®                    
          reaches the papilla, there is no evidence of record that the                
          resultant hair growth is due to (i) the stimulation of the                  
          papilla, and (ii) the offsetting the effects of lower male                  
          hormone which is supplied by arteries to the papilla, and not               
          due to some other mechanism(s).  The specification merely                   
          “surmises” as to the mechanism by which BAG BALM  acts and, in®                           
          fact, suggests that alternative mechanisms might be                         

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