Ex parte AYERS - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-0112                                                          
          Application 07/787,994                                                      

               We initially note the appellant’s statement that                       
          the claims stand or fall together.  Brief, p. 3; 37 CFR                     
          § 1.192(c)(7).  Therefore, we will limit our consideration of               
          the issues on appeal as they apply to representative claim 1                
          which reads as follows:                                                     
               1.  A process for making superplastic steel, comprising the            
          steps of:                                                                   
               rapidly solidifying molten steel to form a solidified                  
          material in the form of a powder, ribbon, foil, or flake                    
          comprising substantially single-phase austenitic steel having a             
          grain size of no greater than about 2 µm;                                   
               providing said rapidly solidified material of said                     
          substantially single-phase austenitic steel having a grain size             
          of no greater than about 2 µm, in powder or flake form;                     
               heating said powder or flakes of said substantially single-            
          phase austenitic steel having a grain size of no greater than               
          about 2 µm, at a temperature of 300<C to 600<C, to thus transform           
          said substantially single-phase austenitic steel powder or flakes           
          into a superplastic steel comprising a mixture of ferrite steel             
          and at least one metal carbide, said ferrite steel having a                 
          randomly oriented structure and having a grain size of no greater           
          than about 2 µm, said at least one metal carbide having a grain             
          size no greater than about 0.5 µm; and                                      
               recovering said superplastic steel.                                    


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Last modified: November 3, 2007