Ex parte MARC STAMMER - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-2175                                                          
          Application 08/100,332                                                      

          792, 793, 215 USPQ 569, 570 (CCPA 1982)(citing In re Pearson, 494           
          F.2d 1399, 1402, 181 USPQ 641, 644 (CCPA 1974)).                            
                    All claims are stated to stand or fall with claim 1.              
          Accordingly, we affirm the rejection of claims 1 through 5.                 

                    No time period for taking any subsequent action in                
          connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 CFR                    

                         IRWIN CHARLES COHEN           )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              
                         WILLIAM F. PATE, III          )  BOARD OF PATENT             
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )   APPEALS AND                
                                                       )  INTERFERENCES               


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