Ex parte PAULS DAVIS et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-3858                                                          
          Application 07/931,628                                                      

          polyalkylene oxide having an allyl glycidyl ether unit.  Polaski,           
          the secondary reference, merely evidences the existence of a                
          polyalkylene oxide having an allyl glycidyl ether unit, but the             
          allyl glycidyl ether-polyalkylene oxide copolymer elastomers of             
          Polaski react with sulfur across the allylic bond to vulcanize              
          the elastomer.  There is no teaching or suggestion in Polaski of            
          copolymerizing the allyl glycidyl ether-polyalkylene oxide                  
          copolymer elastomers with vinyl acetate, as required by the                 
          appealed claims.  Since neither of the applied references, either           
          alone or in combination, suggests the claimed copolymers, we are            
          constrained to reverse the examiner’s rejection.                            
               In conclusion, based on the foregoing, the examiner’s                  
          decision rejecting the appealed claims is reversed.                         

                         EDWARD C. KIMLIN              )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              
                         BRADLEY R. GARRIS             ) BOARD OF PATENT              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )   APPEALS AND                
                                                       )  INTERFERENCES               
                         THOMAS A. WALTZ               )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007