Ex parte POLING - Page 14

          Appeal No. 95-4589                                                          
          Application 08/042,888                                                      

          accordingly, the second prong of Wood is satisfied and Swanson              
          is analogous art.                                                           
               While the examiner (as we have noted above) has                        
          additionally relied on the teachings Forrest for a limitation               
          not found in representative claim 1, we are of the opinion                  
          that the subject matter defined by representative claim 1 is                
          unpatentable over the combined teachings of McComb and Swanson              
          taken alone.  This being the case, we will sustain the                      
          examiner’s rejection of claims 1-3, 5-8, 11, 12, 14-16 and 18-              
          20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 based on the combined teachings of                 
          McComb, Swanson and Forrest.                                                
               Considering next the rejection of claims 4 and 13 under                
          35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over McComb in view of                
          Forrest, Swanson and Barbour, we are of the opinion that the                
          artisan as a matter of “common sense” (see Bozek, 416 F.2d at               
          1390, 163 USPQ at 549) would have found it obvious to make the              
          centrally located light 15 of McComb (which burns                           
          continuously) of greater intensity than the surrounding                     
          flashing or blinking lights if, for no other reason, than to                
          make the center of the illuminating display the focal point                 


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