Ex parte POLING - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-4589                                                          
          Application 08/042,888                                                      

          the second paragraph of § 112 is to basically insure, with a                
          reasonable degree of particularity, an adequate notification                
          of the metes and bounds of what is being claimed.  See In re                
          Hammack, 427 F.2d 1378, 1382, 166 USPQ 204, 208 (CCPA 1970).                
          When viewed in light of this authority, we cannot agree with                
          the examiner that the metes and bounds of claim 11 cannot be                
          determined.  A degree of reasonableness is necessary.  As the               
          court stated in In re Moore, 439 F.2d 1232, 1235, 169 USPQ                  
          236, 238 (CCPA 1971), the determination of whether the claims               
          of an application satisfy the requirements of the second                    
          paragraph of Section 112 is                                                 
               merely to determine whether the claims do, in fact,                    
               set out and circumscribe a particular area with a                      
               reasonable degree of precision and particularity.                      
               It is here where the definiteness of language                          
               employed must be analyzed -- not in a vacuum, but                      
               always in light of the teachings of the prior art                      
               and of the particular application disclosure as it                     
               would be interpreted by one possessing the ordinary                    
               level of skill in the pertinent art. [Emphasis ours;                   
               footnote omitted.]                                                     
          Here, we do not believe that it can seriously be contended                  
          that the artisan, consistent with the appellant’s                           
          specification, would not understand that “said secondary                    
          elements” refers to -- said secondary lighting elements --.                 


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