Ex parte POLING - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-4589                                                          
          Application 08/042,888                                                      

               The appellant’s invention pertains to a safety light.                  
          Independent claim 1 is further illustrative of the appealed                 
          subject matter and reads as follows:                                        
               1.  A safety light comprising:                                         
               at least one primary lighting element for directing light              
          energy outward in a particular direction;                                   
               at least one group of secondary lighting elements                      
          arranged substantially around said primary lighting element                 
          for directing light energy outward in said particular                       
               a translucent face lying substantially on a plane                      
          perpendicular to said particular direction comprising a                     
          central portion overlying said primary lighting element and at              
          least one group of colored elements, each color element of                  
          said at least one group of colored elements overlying each                  
          secondary lighting element of said at least one group                       
          secondary lighting elements, such that when said secondary                  
          lighting elements are illuminated, light emitting from said                 
          secondary lighting element appears to a viewer in a color                   
          corresponding to one of said colored elements;                              
               circuit means for illuminating said primary lighting                   
          element and said secondary lighting elements, said secondary                
          lighting elements being illuminated in a particular sequence;               
               housing means for housing said lighting elements, said                 
          translucent face and said circuit means of said safety light.               

          rejection filed July 18, 1994 (Paper No. 9) would be entered                
          for purposes of appeal.  We observe, however, that no clerical              
          entry of this amendment (which amends claims 1, 4, 9, 11 and                
          18) has in fact been made.                                                  

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