Ex parte LARIVIERE - Page 17

          Appeal No. 96-0324                                                          
          Application 08/045,747                                                      

                    Any request for reconsideration or modification of this           
          decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences based             
          upon the same record must be filed within one month from the date           
          of the decision (37 CFR § 1.197).  Should appellant elect to have           
          further prosecution before the examiner in response to the new              
          rejection under 37 CFR § 1.196(b) by way of amendment or showing            
          of facts, or both, not previously of record, a shortened                    
          statutory period for making such response is hereby set to expire           
          two months from the date of this decision.                                  

                    No time period for taking any subsequent action in con-           
          nection with this appeal may be extended under 37 CFR § 1.136(a).           

                              REVERSED, 37 CFR 1.196(b)                               

                    BRUCE H. STONER, JR.                )                             
                    Chief Administrative Patent Judge   )                             
                                                       )   BOARD OF PATENT            
                    KENNETH W. HAIRSTON                 )     APPEALS AND             
                    Administrative Patent Judge         )    INTERFERENCES            


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