Ex parte PAPPALARDO - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-2138                                                          
          Application 07/967,607                                                      

               The disclosed invention is directed to a fluorescent lamp              
          having a coating comprising a blend of halophosphate phosphors              
          and a quad-phosphor blend for economically elevating color                  
          rendering while retaining high light flux.                                  
               Claim 1 is reproduced below.                                           
               1.  A fluorescent lamp comprising a glass envelope having              
               electrodes at its ends, a mercury and inert gas filling                
               within said envelope which produces ultraviolet radiation, a           
               coating on the interior surface of the glass envelope                  
               comprising a blend of alkaline earth metal halophosphate               
               phosphors and a quad-phosphor blend for converting a                   
               substantial portion of said ultraviolet radiation to visible           
               illumination having a white color wherein the combination of           
               phosphors result in a predetermined color point from about             
               2700 to about 4200 K on or near the Planckian locus, said              
               quad-phosphor blend comprising a red color emitting phosphor           
               component having a visible emission spectrum principally in            
               the 590 to 630 nm wavelength range, blue color emitting                
               phosphor component having an emission spectrum principally             
               in the 430 to 490 nm wavelength range, and a green color               
               emitting phosphor component having an emission spectrum                
               principally in the 500 to 570 nm wavelength range, said                
               quad-phosphor blend additionally includes an europium                  
               activated aluminate green emitting phosphor component                  
               wherein both the quad-blend and said blend of alkaline earth           
               metal halophosphate phosphors substantially match the                  
               desired predetermined color point.                                     

               The examiner relies on the following references:                       
               Konings et al. (Konings)       5,105,122      April 14, 1992           
               Northrop et al. (Northrop)     5,122,710       June 16, 1992           
               Taubner et al. (Taubner)       5,196,234      March 23, 1993           
          (effective filing date August 29, 1986)                                     
               McSweeney                      5,232,626      August 3, 1993           
          (filed June 22, 1992)                                                       

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