Ex parte KOLAZI S. NARAYANAN - Page 3

                Appeal No. 96-2665                                                                                                            
                Application 07/975,811                                                                                                        

                examiner, the claim language "relative amounts" is vague.   The                                3                              
                examiner queries whether appellant intends 99.9% polymer and                                                                  
                99.9% bicarbonate to achieve a rainfast condition and a solid,                                                                
                respectively (page 3 of Supplemental Answer, first paragraph).                                                                
                However, it is well settled that claim language is not to be read                                                             
                in a vacuum but in light of the specification as it would be                                                                  
                interpreted by one of ordinary skill in the art.  In re Sneed,                                                                
                710 F.2d 1544, 1548, 218 USPQ 385, 388 (Fed. Cir. 1983); In re                                                                
                Kroekel, 504 F.2d 1143, 1146, 183 USPQ 610, 612  (CCPA 1974); In                                                              
                re Moore, 439 F.2d 1232, 1235, 169 USPQ 236, 238  (CCPA 1971).                                                                
                In the present case, we agree with appellant that when the claim                                                              
                language "relative amounts" is read in light of the                                                                           
                specification, one of ordinary skill in the art would understand                                                              
                that, depending upon the specific components utilized, the                                                                    
                relative amounts of the recited components is that which produces                                                             
                the stated result, i.e., a rainfast microemulsion (claim 45) and                                                              
                a clear liquid (claim 46).  As noted by appellant, page 7 of the                                                              
                specification, second paragraph, describes preferable ranges in                                                               
                percent for each of the claimed components.  We agree with                                                                    
                appellant that only routine experimentation would be required of                                                              

                         3We note that claim 46 does not contain the language                                                                 
                "relative amounts."                                                                                                           

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