HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 43

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

          correspond to a proposed new count can be ascertained by                    
          reference to pages 1  and 2 of Hoshino’s Motion H2 (Paper No.               
          14) and page 49 of                                                          

          Hoshino's brief.  A copy of Hoshino’s Motion H2 and the APJ’s               
          decision on preliminary motions is enclosed.                                
          Tanaka’s Motion to Suppress                                                 
               Tanaka filed a paper (Paper No. 96) captioned "Motion to               
          Suppress" requesting the Board to rule that the second Utagawa              
          declaration filed with Hoshino’s reply to Tanaka’s opposition               
          to Hoshino’s Motion H2, together with its Exhibits G, H, and                
          I, "are inadmissible on the ground that they are untimely for               
          introducing new evidence and argument at the reply stage."                  
          Alternatively, Tanaka requests that paragraphs 5-14, 16, 17,                
          and 19 of the second Utagawa declaration and Hoshino’s                      
          exhibits G, H, and I should be suppressed and not considered                
          by the Board.                                                               
               Because we have sustained the APJ’s decision on Hoshino’s              
          Motion H2 based on Hoshino’s lack of showing of a prima facie               
          basis for relief in the motion itself, without regard to new                

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