GALIMBERTI et al. V. ASANUMA et al. - Page 20

            Interference No. 103,303                                                                  

                  We do not agree with the party Galimberti et al. that its                           
            claimed copolymers are made by a different process than the                               
            party Asanuma et al.'s polymers for the reasons set forth in                              
            our discussion with respect to count 2, infra.                                            
                  For the foregoing reasons, we hold that the party                                   
            Galimberti et al. has not sustained its burden of proof with                              
            respect to count 1.                                                                       
            Interference-in-fact as to Count 2                                                        
                  We now turn to the question of whether an interference-                             
            in-fact exists as to count 2, i.e., is Galimberti et al.'s                                
            claim 2 new and nonobvious over Asanuma et al.'s claim 16,                                
            assuming that Asanuma et al.'s claim 16 is prior art with                                 
            respect to Galimberti et al.'s claim 2.                                                   
                  Galimberti et al.'s claim 2 reads as follows:                                       
                  2.  A process for the preparation of the copolymers of                              
            claim 1 comprising the polymerization of gaseous mixtures of                              
            propylene and 1-butene with catalysts obtained from isopropyl                             
            (cyclopentadienyl-1-fluorenyl) hafninum or zirconium                                      
            dichloride and polymethylaluminoxane cyclic or linear                                     
            compounds of the formula                                                                  
            where n is a number from 2 to 25 and                                                      
                                         CH )(A1)O) A1(CH )                                           
                                            3      n     3 2                                          

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