Ex parte LAJOIE et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 94-1911                                                          
          Application 07/662,735                                                      
          disclosed in the . . . application, namely, that non-adaptive               
          proteins, here the PCB degrading enzymes, can be expressed by               
          exogenous DNA in a mixed microbiologically competitive                      
          environment in the presence of a selective substrate, here                  
          detergent” (p. 11, final para.)  As stated by the examiner, the             
          Second Declaration of Curtis A. Lajoie, Ph.D., filed June 4, 1993           
          (Attachment to Paper No. 19), and appellants' arguments and                 
          supporting extrinsic evidence (Paper No. 20, including Exhibits             
          A, B, and C) “overcome the examiner’s assertion that the                    
          invention is inoperative and therefore lacks utility”                       
          (Supplemental Examiner’s Answer, p. 1 (Paper No. 21)).                      
               The examiner was willing to conclude on the basis of the               
          limited showing in the specification that the claimed invention             
          possessed utility under 35 U.S.C. § 101, presumably throughout              
          its scope.  See In re Langer, 503 F.2d 1380, 1391-92, 183 USPQ              
          288, 297 (CCPA 1974).  Thus, it is not clear why that                       
          determination does not also extend to the Section 112 rejection.            
               Therefore, what remains of the examiner’s rejection under              
          Section 112 is the merits of the examiner’s argument that a                 
          specification which contains a statement of the claimed                     
          invention, a limited number of prior art citations which reflect            
          the knowledge and skill in the art, and a limited number of                 

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