Ex parte KUTNER et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-0084                                                          
          Application 07/857,329                                                      

               On page 4 of the final Office action, the examiner expresses           
          his position as follows:                                                    
               [i]t would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill                  
               in the art at the time the invention was made to use                   
               the shielded device of Falk with the pouch of Standing                 
               et al. so as to aid in the uniform heating of the food                 
               item while preventing overheating.  Using the broadest                 
               interpretation of claim language, the “shielding means”                
               of the pending claims reads on the device 16 of Falk                   
               and the “enclosure means” reads on the bag (elements                   
               114, 140, 124, 150 or 42) of Standing et al.                           
               We cannot agree with the examiner that the teachings of                
          Standing and Falk, even if combined, would have resulted in an              
          apparatus of the type defined by the appellants' independent                
               For example, this prior art combination would not include              
          the independent claim 30 feature of an “enclosure means formed of           
          microwave radiation transparent material having inwardly facing             
          substantially rigid surfaces defining an interior cavity, said              
          enclosure means including means for holding said pouch in said              
          cavity, ... whereupon an overpressure is created within said                
          pouch which causes said pouch to expand until said sheet material           
          thereof presses against said inwardly facing surfaces of said               
          enclosure means defining said interior cavity, to thereby prevent           
          further expansion of said pouch”.  The examiner's belief that               
          “the “enclosure means” reads on the bag (elements 114, 140, 124,            


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