Ex parte CUNNINGHAM et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-3055                                                           
          Application No. 08/111,765                                                   

               Claims 2 through 12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. '  112,              
          second paragraph, as being indefinite for failing to particularly            
          point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which                      
          applicants regard as their invention.                                        
               Reference is made to the brief and answer for the respective            
          positions of appellants and the examiner.                                    
               We reverse.                                                             
               The particular language in claim 11 which the examiner finds            
          indefinite is: “associated with each dopant atomYa wave                      
          function…wave function of any given dopant atom extends into…”               
          and “t1 is much greater than t2 such that…behaves substantially              
          as if the dopant atoms were present in uniform first                         
          semiconductor material.”   The examiner’s apparent position is               
          that there is only one wave function for the totality of charge              
          carriers and it is indefinite and inaccurate to imply, as the                
          examiner apparently thinks the instant claim language does, that             
          there are separate wave functions for each carrier and that some             
          particular carrier is bound to some specific dopant atom.                    
               In our view, the examiner’s rationale is short on specifics             
          as to what, exactly, is indefinite about particular claim                    
          language.  In any event, to whatever extent the language “wave               
          function of any given dopant atom” may appear, at first, to be a             
          bit awkward, appellants have explained its meaning by evidence               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007