Ex parte CUNNINGHAM et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-3055                                                           
          Application No. 08/111,765                                                   

               The examiner has accorded the Luryi affidavit little, if                
          any, weight, contending that the statements therein are “[p]urely            
          conclusory…without any factual basis therefor” [answer-page 5].              
          We find the examiner’s action in this regard to have been                    
          improper.  The affidavit establishes Dr. Luryi as an expert in               
          this field, and this is not gainsaid by the examiner.  It is not             
          understood how a statement by an expert as to what skilled                   
          artisans would have interpreted a term of art to mean is                     
          “[p]urely conclusory.”  The “factual basis” for the conclusion as            
          to what a particular term means is clearly the expert’s                      
          experience and education in the field.                                       
               The examiner also states that “Luryi admitted that the                  
          examiner’s rejection was correct” [answer-page 6].  However, we              
          have carefully reviewed the affidavit and find no such admission.            
               We find no adequate basis for sustaining the examiner’s                 
          rejection of claims 2 through 12 under 35 U.S.C. '  112, second              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007