Ex parte ZIEMELIS et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-3398                                                          
          Application No. 08/103,318                                                  

               II.  Claims 27-34 also stand rejected for obviousness under            
          35 U.S.C. § 103 in view of Albright taken in combination with               
               Based on the record before us, we agree with appellants that           
          the examiner has failed to establish a prima facie case of                  
          obviousness with regard to each of the rejections before us.                
          Accordingly, we shall not sustain either of those rejections                
          which we now address seriatim:                                              
                        I.  The “Double Patenting” Rejection                          
               The examiner acknowledges that the claims of Carmody do not            
          expressly require that either acrylic acid or methacrylic acid be           
          polymerized onto the surface of a hydrophobic copolymer.  To                
          remedy this deficiency, the examiner refers to Example III in the           
          Carmody specification as showing the polymerization of                      
          methacrylic acid onto the surface of a hydrophobic copolymeric              
          powder.  This approach is improper since, when considering the              
          question of obviousness-type double patenting, the patent                   
          disclosure may not be used as prior art.  See In re Vogel,                  
          422 F.2d 438, 441, 164 USPQ 619, 622 (CCPA 1970).                           
               In directing attention to Carmody Example III, the examiner            
          incorrectly states that methacrylic acid is the hydrophilic                 
          monomer of the Carmody claims.  Rather, as we see it, the                   


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