Ex parte FINLEY - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-3463                                                          
          Application No. 08/139,260                                                  

          HAIRSTON, Administrative Patent Judge.                                      

                             REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION                              
               Appellant has requested reconsideration of our decision                
          dated November 6, 1997, wherein the decision of the examiner                
          rejecting claims 1 through 7 and 10 through 20 under the                    
          grounds of res judicata was reversed, and the decision of the               
          examiner rejecting claims 1 through 7 and 10 through 20 under               
          35 U.S.C.   § 103 was affirmed as to claims 1 through 3, 5                  
          through 7, 11 through 13 and 16 through 18, and was reversed                
          as to claims 4, 10, 14, 15, 19 and 20.                                      
               Appellant argues (Request, page 2) that “steps b, f and j              
          of method claim 16 each recite ‘sputtering zinc and tin in a                
          reactive atmosphere comprising oxygen to deposit a . . .                    
          zinc/tin oxide film on . . .’,” and that “[t]he feature of a                
          metal oxide film comprising an oxide reaction product of zinc               
          and tin was found by the Board to be a patentable feature of                
          allowed dependent claims 4 and 14.”  Appellant acknowledges                 
          (Request, page 2) that “the patentable features of steps b, f,              
          and j of method claim 16 were not argued by appellant;                      
          however, the Board in making its decision should not overlook               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007