Ex parte FINLEY - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-3463                                                          
          Application No. 08/139,260                                                  

               In reversing the obviousness rejection of claims 4 and                 
          14, the Board merely stated (Decision, page 9) that “the                    
          examiner has not provided a reason, and we are not aware of                 
          one, for replacing the metal oxide used in Woodard with an                  
          oxide reaction product of zinc and tin disclosed by Gillery                 
          ‘771.”  The obviousness rejection of claims 4 and 14 was,                   
          therefore, reversed because the examiner failed to satisfy the              
          required duty of establishing a prima facie case of                         
          obviousness, and not because claims 4 and 14 were deemed to                 
          contain allowable subject matter.  Thus, a finding not made in              
          connection with claims argued by appellant will not be made in              
          connection with claims not argued by appellant.                             
               Appellant’s request has been granted to the extent that                
          our decision has been reconsidered, but such request is denied              
          with respect to making any modifications to the decision.                   


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