Ex parte BOWEN et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-3872                                                          
          Application No. 08/171,266                                                  

               Rather than go through the details of each and every                   
          independent claim and the claims dependent therefrom, we note               
          that each and every claim requires at least, in one form or                 
          another, the reading of data values and performing concurrent               
          updates of data values in order to maintain access to each data             
          value for reading and updating.  The claimed method also                    
          requires, in one form or another, the storage of a base value and           
          incremental updates in order to aggregate the base value and                
          incremental updates.                                                        
               There is no disagreement between appellants and the examiner           
          that Rochkind fails to provide for concurrent updating.  The                
          updates are not concurrent in Rochkind because, as Rochkind                 
          explains at page 367, right-hand column, any attempt to add a               
          delta, or change, in a module is “locked out,” access being                 
          permitted only for read-only purposes.                                      
               The whole purpose of the instant invention is to provide an            
          improvement over the systems employing “lock out” so as to                  
          provide for the ability to concurrently read and update a                   
          specific data value in different transactions.   Yet, the                   
          examiner boldly states that even though Rochkind provides for               
          locking, the very thing appellants want to avoid, the “reference            
          is implicit evidence that a system without locking was old in the           


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