Ex parte BOWEN et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-3872                                                          
          Application No. 08/171,266                                                  

          art since Rochkind specifically provides for locking, implicitly            
          recognizing this need over a system without locking...” [answer-            
          page 9].  This circular and obfuscatory reasoning of the                    
          examiner, i.e., that because a reference teaches something, it              
          also implicitly teaches the opposite of that something, falls far           
          short of establishing a prima facie case of obviousness by a                
          convincing line of reasoning.                                               
               Thus, since the changes made in Rochkind are locked out                
          during updates, Rochkind teaches away from the instant claimed              
          invention.  Neither Katz, which deals with minimizing disk                  
          requirements by storing software versions on-line, nor Gausmann,            
          which deals with broadcast oriented architecture for a data                 
          storage access system, provides for the deficiencies of Rochkind.           
               The examiner appears to be giving the claim language a                 
          rather broad interpretation, indicating that appellants’                    
          realization of “consistency” and “concurrency” is achieved by               
          Rochkind “[t]o the extent disclosed” [answer-page 15] and that              
          “to the extent disclosed and claimed...the examiner’s reading of            
          Rochkind is not a stretching of the reference...” [answer-page              
          17].  It is our view that the examiner’s interpretation of the              
          claim language, and it is not entirely clear what that                      
          interpretation is, is unreasonably broad since the claims are               


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