Ex parte WOODLE et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 95-4004                                                          
          Application 07/858,171                                                      
               We bring to the examiner’s attention Woodle et al. (Woodle),           
          U.S. 5,013,556, which issued May 7, 1991, from Application                  
          07/425,224, filed October 20, 1989, and Martin et al. (Martin),             
          U.S. 5,213,804, which issued May 25, 1993, from Application                 
          07/642,321, filed January 15, 1991.  The inventors of both                  
          patents are Martin C. Woodle, Francis J. Martin, Annie Yau-Young,           
          and Carl T. Redemann.  Copies of both patents are being mailed              
          with this decision.                                                         
               We remand this application to the examiner for consideration           
          of the patentability of the subject matter claimed in this                  
          application in light of the subject matter disclosed and/or                 
          claimed in Woodle and Martin.  The examiner should consider and             
          determine the following:                                                    
               (1) Whether applicants’ claim for priority under 35 U.S.C.             
          § 120 in this application is incorrect.  This application and               
          Application 07/642,231, filed January 16, 1991, do not have the             
          same inventive entity, do not appear to be commonly assigned, and           
          do not appear to be directed to either common or even similar               
               (2) Whether the full scope of the subject matter of the                
          claims on appeal is entitled to the benefit of any one or both of           
          the filing dates of Application 07/642,321, filed January 15,               
          1991, and Application 07/425,224, filed October 20, 1989.                   

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