Ex parte SWOBODA et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 95-4501                                                          
          Application No. 07/827,549                                                  

          may very well be that such exclusion of a module from a scan                
          path might be considered a “stopping” operation of peripheral               
          circuitry, as broadly claimed, this was not part of the                     
          examiner’s rejection or rationale therefor and we will not                  
          speculate at this point in the prosecution as to whether or                 
          not an exclusion of a module is tantamount to stopping                      
          operation of that module, or peripheral circuit.                            
               It is the examiner’s job to establish an anticipation                  
          through a specific correlation of claimed elements to elements              
          in the prior art and/or to establish obviousness through a                  
          convincing line of reasoning based on teachings and/or                      
          suggestions from the prior art.  Unless and until the examiner              
          has done so, appellants are under no obligation to present                  
          specific arguments distinguishing the claimed invention from                
          the applied prior art for to do so would amount to speculation              
          on appellants’ part as to the exact nature of the examiner’s                
          rejection. Thus, while we find, in the instant case, that                   
          appellants’ arguments comprise substantially nothing more than              
          a general denial that Daniels (and for claims 17 and 18, a                  
          combination of Hester and Daniels) teaches or suggests the                  
          claimed “starting and stopping operations...,” no more was                  


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