Ex parte POKORNY - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-4934                                                          
          Application 07/908,650                                                      

          emulsification (and thus could not be regarded as “not                      
          changing or fluctuating”).  Additionally, the disclosure at                 
          lines 33 through 64 in column 7 of the specification                        
          unambiguously teaches that the emulsions formed by the here                 
          claimed compositions are incapable of being accurately                      
          described as “not changing or fluctuating.”  On the contrary,               
          it is quite clear that these emulsions separate under certain               
          conditions (e.g., cooling to 15EC) particularly at water                    
          concentrations at the low end of the here claimed range (i.e.,              
          “about 55 percent”).                                                        
               The decision of the examiner is affirmed.                              
               No time period for taking any subsequent action in                     
          connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 CFR                    
          § 1.136(a).                                                                 


                         BRADLEY R. GARRIS        )                                   

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