Ex parte SHAHRARAY - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-0649                                                          
          Application 08/191,234                                                      

               makes no representation that the present invention                     
               discloses a new method of determining motion                           
               parameters.  Appellant’s invention lies in the                         
               realization that the cumulative value of such motion                   
               parameters over a series of frames may be used as a                    
               criterion to detect scene changes.                                     
          In the same manner that we have indicated earlier that Gove                 
          indicates that it was known in the art to him to establish                  
          threshold values and perform certain signal summations to                   
          determine scene changes generally, Miyatake’s teachings, as                 
          argued by the examiner, clearly indicate that cumulative                    
          values of motion parameters may be utilized to determine scene              
          changes over a series of frames of images as measured against               
          a variable threshold value.  Miyatake’s discussion                          
          characterizes "camera works" as zooming and panning motions in              
          the context of his disclosure.  Therefore, not only do we find              
          ourselves in agreement with the examiner’s basic reasoning                  
          process in combining the teaching value of both references                  
          relied upon, it appears, from the above quoted portion, that                
          appellant is in general agreement with this assessment.                     
               In view of the forgoing, the decision of the examiner                  
          rejecting claims 1, 7 and 18 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is                       

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