Ex parte CHIU et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-0770                                                          
          Application No. 08/193,982                                                  

          each of the firing tips comprises at least three edges and at               
          least three corners which form a convex polygon.                            
               Claim 1 is the only independent claim on appeal, and it                
          reads as follows:                                                           
               1.  A spark plug for igniting a fuel mixture within a                  
          combustion chamber of an internal combustion engine, the spark              
          plug comprising:                                                            
               a pair of electrodes which define a spark gap across which             
          an electric spark is generated for igniting said fuel mixture;              
               a pair of firing tips affixed to said pair of electrodes               
          such that said firing tips are coaxially aligned, said pair of              
          firing tips being formed from a noble metal alloy, each of said             
          pair of firing tips having a firing surface with a shape                    
          comprising at least three edges and at least three corners which            
          form a convex polygon and serve as potential arc initiation sites           
          for said electric spark across said spark gap;                              
               whereby said at least three edges and said at least three              
          corners of said pair of firing tips serve to minimize the                   
          sparking voltage for the spark plug.                                        
               The reference relied on by the examiner is:                            
          Yamaguchi et al. (Yamaguchi)       4,700,103      Oct. 13, 1987             
               Claims 1 through 6 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as             
          being unpatentable over Yamaguchi and common knowledge in the               
               Reference is made to the briefs and the answer for the                 
          respective positions of the appellants and the examiner.                    


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Last modified: November 3, 2007