Ex parte SCHMIDT et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 96-1419                                                          
          Application 08/081,971                                                      

          through 7, which depend directly or indirectly from claim 1. See            
          Kloster Speedsteel AB v. Crucible Inc., 793 F.2d 1565, 1571, 230            
          USPQ 81, 84 (Fed. Cir. 1986) (The absence from the reference of             
          any element of a claim negates anticipation of that claim by the            
          applied reference).                                                         
               With regard to claim 12, Schuplin does not expressly or                
          inherently disclose a living hinge for interconnecting the                  
          clamping portions or the location of his joist inside a vehicle             
          passenger compartment even if the joist is construed as being a             
          “mounting plate.” As a result, Schuplin also is not a proper                
          anticipatory reference for the subject matter of claim 12. Id.              

               For the foregoing reasons, the § 102(b) rejection of claims            
          1 through 7 and 12 is not sustainable.                                      
               With regard to the § 103 rejection of claim 8, the cited               
          prior art contains no suggestion that would have led one of                 
          ordinary skill in the art to replace Schmidt’s mirror-mounting              
          fender bracket with Schuplin’s pipe hanger.  Even if it is                  
          assumed arguendo that there is such a suggestion, the result                
          would not meet all of  the terms of the claim for reasons                   
          discussed supra. For these reasons, the rejection of claim 8 also           


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