Ex parte SHAIKH et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 96-2127                                                          
          Application 08/158,054                                                      

          that is encompassed within the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103.             
          We are satisfied that the examiner’s correlation of the features            
          in the responsive arguments portion of the answer satisfies the             
          principal argument presented by appellants with respect to the              
          § 102 rejection that Christensen does section a graphic model to            
          facilitate carving, and independently carve a solid member for              
          each graphic member and secure the carved members together to               
          create a unitary part as argued at the middle of page 4 of the              

               As to the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103, appellants’                 
          initial remarks, beginning at the bottom of page 4, do not                  
          directly relate to the features of dependent claims 2 and 8 to              
          11.  Indeed, the statement that the appellants traverse the                 
          rejection of these claims for the same reasons recited above in             
          connection with the § 102 rejection is misplaced for the same               
          reasons expressed earlier.  While on the one hand, appellants               
          admit that Christensen suggests the use of one or more vertical             
          and horizontal planes in the computer sectioning as it applies to           
          dependent claim 11 on appeal, appellants also take the position             


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Last modified: November 3, 2007