Ex parte CALLAGHAN et al. - Page 17

          Appeal No. 96-2179                                          Page 17           
          Application 07/613,466                                                        
          G.   Anticipation of claims 1, 2, 12, 13, 25-27,                              
               29, 34, 38-41, 49-51 and 58 by Nappholz                                  
               34. We note at the outset that the meaning of claims 1                   
          and 38, and their dependent claims 2, 12, 13, and 39-41, are                  
          sufficiently indefinite to test these claims against the                      
          reference.  The point of contention is the nature of the rate                 
          control parameter, which is precisely the point at which these                
          claims are unclear.                                                           
               35. We agree with Appellants that Nappholz does not                      
          teach the closed-loop control means of claim 25 or the                        
          adjusting step of claim 49.  (Paper 18 at 28.)  We note that                  
          these claims are written in means-plus-function and step-plus-                
          function formats, respectively.  The examiner argues that                     
          Nappholz's minute volume parameter satisfies the rate control                 
          parameter provisions of the claims, but provides no analysis                  
          of how minute volume would be used with the disclosed                         
          structures or acts.  We find that Nappholz does not expressly                 
          or inherently teach the claimed structures or acts.                           
          Consequently, we reverse this rejection of claims 25 and 49,                  
          and of their dependent claims 26, 27, 29, 34, 50, 51, and 58.                 
          H.   The teachings of Nappholz and Callaghan '900                             
               36. The examiner relies on Nappholz and Callaghan '900                   
          or Mumford, to reject the remaining claims.  As we have                       

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