Ex parte CALLAGHAN et al. - Page 24

          Appeal No. 96-2179                                          Page 24           
          Application 07/613,466                                                        
          been obvious to a person having ordinary skill in the art.                    
          Consequently, we reverse the double-patenting rejection of                    
          claims 25-37 and 49-61 on the merits.                                         
          E.   Double-patenting - Callaghan '497                                        
               12. Appellants have chosen a prosecution strategy that                   
          places virtually identical disclosures on separate prosecution                
          tracks.  Cf. Berg, ___ F.3d at ___, 46 USPQ2d at 1233.  They                  
          have also chosen a claim format in both the present                           
          application and in their patent that forces us to correlate                   
          the claims to nearly identical disclosures.  We see no                        
          principled basis by which we can ignore the fact that                         
          separately claimed functions are both programmed into an                      
          identically disclosed means.  Consequently, we must affirm the                
          rejection of claims 25-37 under the obviousness-type double-                  
          patenting doctrine.11                                                         

               11   Since a terminal disclaimer filed to overcome this                  
          rejection would apply to the entire resulting patent and not                  
          simply these claims, we will not enter a new ground of                        
          rejection pursuant to 37 CFR § 1.196(b) for the method claims.                
          Given our affirmance of the indefiniteness rejection for                      
          claims 1-24, we will not reach those claims either.  We                       
          caution the examiner, however, to ensure that a terminal                      
          disclaimer is required in any related applications (e.g.,                     
          applicant-initiated divisionals) with substantially similar                   
          claims.  We remind Appellants that our findings in this                       
          opinion would be material to the prosecution of any related                   
          applications.  37 CFR § 1.56(b).                                              

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