Ex parte CHEN et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-2797                                                          
          Application No. 08/432,474                                                  

                    example, in U.S. Patent Nos. 3,632,498 and                        
                    3,711,385, so that the reconstructed and                          
                    recoated anodes do not have to be heated                          
                    after the added portions are attached to                          
                    the anode risers or the portions of the                           
                    previously used anode envelopes or working                        
                    faces which are attached to the risers                            
                    [emphasis added].                                                 
               Appellants contend, and we think correctly, that the                   
          “applied and baked on as described” language with reference to              
          the de Nora and Beer patents pertains to conventional industry              
          practice which involves applying a new coating using a thermal              
          decomposition method rather than an electrolytic method as                  
          claimed.  In this regard, de Nora refers to a coating mixture               
          comprising halides of noble metals which is applied to a                    
          cleaned electrode to be recoated, by brush, roller,                         
          electrostatic spraying, dipping or other coating methods in a               
          series of 5 to 15 coats with drying and baking at 300° to 460°              
          C. between each coat until the required coating weight has                  
          been applied.  See de Nora at column 4, lines 35-64.                        
               Likewise, the Beer patent discloses a similar working                  
          example wherein a mixture of a platinum metal compound is                   
          applied to an anode core by painting or brushing with                       
          intermediate heating.  See example 1A of Beer.  Accordingly,                


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