Ex parte HEINO et al. - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 96-3181                                                                                                                     
                 Application 08/251,963                                                                                                                 

                 ipsis verbis is insufficient.”  Wertheim, 541 F.2d at 265, 191 USPQ at 98.  Thus, the examiner’s finding                               
                 that the term “pulsation” is not per se found in the original disclosure is insufficient to support the                                
                          Accordingly, the only substantive reason advanced by the examiner which bears on whether the                                  
                 appealed claims satisfy § 112, first paragraph, written description, is that “a slight increase in the space                           
                 98 is not [the] same as ‘pulsation.’”  We have carefully considered the record before us with respect to                               
                 whether one skilled in this art would have recognized in the patent specification a description of the                                 
                 claimed methods which employ “pressure pulsations” as encompassed by appealed claims 16 and 18                                         
                 through 20.  Based on our consideration, we find ourselves in agreement with appellants for the reasons                                
                 advanced in their reply brief (pages 1-2), that one skilled in the art would have recognized in the original                           
                 patent specification a disclosure of the so claimed invention.  We add the following only for emphasis.                                
                          The pertinent part of the original patent specification3 reads as follows:                                                    
                       If the wiper 92 is produced from somewhat flexible material, the wall between filtrate                                           
                       compartments 20 causes, when passing the tip of the wiper [sic - “,”] a slight pressure                                          
                       increase in the space 98, which again causes the bending of the wiper 92 outwards from                                           
                       the wire surface [22], whereby, for example, an accumulation of fibers generated between the                                     
                       tip of the wiper 92 and the wire surface 22 is allowed to loosen and fall into the suspension.                                   
                       [Col. 8, lines 35-43; emphasis ours.]                                                                                            
                 The numerals in this passage are found in original “FIG. 6” (see col. 7, line 63, to col. 8, line 33).  We                             
                 refer to “FIG. 1” (see col. 3, line 57, to col. 4, line 35) and to “FIG. 4B” (see col. 6, lines   32-53) for a                         
                 more complete understanding of the apparatus employed in the methods claimed in appealed claims 16                                     
                 and 18 though 20.  With respect to the filtrate compartments 20 (see “FIG. 1”), the patent specification                               
                 states that “[a] great number of filtrate compartments 20, approximately 30-40, has been arranged                                      
                 about the [inner] rim of the [drum] cylinder” (col. 4, lines 6-8).  We observe that this arrangement is                                
                 depicted in amended “FIG. 6” from which it is apparent that the filtrate compartments 20 are separated                                 

                 3  Appellants amended their patent specification by parenthetically inserting the term “pulsation” after the                           
                 word “increase” in the quoted passage in order to “provide proper antecedent basis for terminology in                                  
                 the claims” (principal brief, Paper No. 12; page 5).  See In re Wright, 343 F.2d 761, 767, 145 USPQ                                    
                 182, 188 (CCPA 1965), cited by appellants (reply brief, Paper No. 19; page 2).                                                         

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