Ex parte COWAN - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-4044                                                          
          Application 08/396,253                                                      

               In the present case, the examiner acknowledges on page 8 of            
          the answer that appellant’s claimed relationship of the width of            
          the reflective tape to the backing tape and to the height of the            
          openings in the fence as defined in claim 34 solves the first               
          problem stated supra, namely the elimination of creases in the              
          reflective tape across its entire width in the region of the                
          openings. As a result, this claimed relationship may not be                 
          dismissed as an obvious matter of design choice as the examiner             
          has done here. Compare In re Kuhle, 526 F.2d 553, 555, 188 USPQ             
          7, 9 (CCPA 1975) (?Use of such a means . . . solves no stated               
          problem and would be an obvious matter of design choice within              
          the skill of the art.?). The solution to the first problem stated           
          supra is sufficient to preclude the application of the Kuhle rule           
          pertaining matters of design choice. It therefore is no moment              
          that the asserted solution to the second problem mentioned above            
          may be ?unfounded? as contended by the examiner on page 8 of the            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007